5 Easy & Unexpected #Selfcare Tips

It’s no secret that there is still a stigma against taking care of yourself. Hustle culture is ingrained in so many of us that I think a lot of people are hesitant to take care of themselves when they truly need it the most. But, I’ve always been a very firm believer that we do our best work (in work and in life) when we are relaxed and happy, rather than stressed and tired.

A lot of people believe #selfcare means shopping sprees, getting massages, and taking bubble baths. And while I personally LOVE bubble baths every now and then, there are small things we can do everyday to take care of ourselves that will help more long-term than the occasional bath salts will. So here are 5 small and easy things you can do every day to take care of yourself.

5 Easy & Unexpected #Selfcare Tips

1. Stay Hydrated

Stay hydrated

Drinking water is one of simplest ways to take care of yourself but it’s also the one that a lot of us forget about the most. We need water to live. Our bodies need water to function. But staying hydrated is about more than just surviving, it is about nourishing your skin, cleaning out toxins, and giving yourself energy. Staying hydrated is so easy. One day, try keeping track of your water intake to see how you’re doing. You should be drinking 10-12 cups of water a day. Are you?


2. Be aware of your work-life balance and adjust, if needed

Finding balance in life is SO important. What good is all the hard work to make money if you don’t get to enjoy it? Also, what good is work if it makes you truly miserable? I firmly believe that we are all entitled to joyful lives. It’s one of the reasons I started my business. The saying is true that if you find a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life. I recognize that not everyone is lucky enough to have that. If you are one of those people and you have a job you don’t love but can’t leave for whatever reason, just make sure to find balance. Do the work so that you can enjoy the one life you’ve got.

Set Time Limits

3. Set time limits

Set limits for yourself on your phone, on social media, on how late you work, on whatever will help you live a better life. I have stopped doing work-related things at 10 pm. Then I allow myself some screen time until 11 pm. After 11 pm, I journal, meditate, or read. It helps my brain wind down rather than buzzing about the latest news cycle, work, to-do lists, or other responsibilities. I also have limits on my phone for social media apps. After I’ve hit my limit, I know I can’t log on until the next day, and my phone goes away and I turn to something more productive. It’s cleansing and refreshing.


4. Upgrade your environment

There are a few ways to do this! I like to try to minimize distractions but also leave room for some joy! I like to have a photo of family and friends or a place I love to visit. I also love having a few candles in my space and choosing a scent to help me focus or get me to calm down. You can also get an essential oil diffuser and choose from different scents: I like peppermint to wake myself up, eucalyptus to calm me down, and citrus to feel refreshed. Music is another way to change up the energy in your space.

5. Give yourself permission to pause and take a break

Giving yourself permission to pause is SO important. Especially when you are as ambitious and active as you are! Taking breaks can actually increase your productivity because you have a moment to rest your brain, rather than forcing it to work when it’s already on overload. Slowing down and stepping away can also give you some perspective and a fresh start when you dive back in.

Self Care: Balance

Finding balance and giving yourself permission to take care of yourself when you need it, is something I think everyone works through at their own pace and finds at their own time. We are all entitled to having joy-filled, happy, adventurous lives but we can’t live to our fullest if we are always burning the candle at both ends and not looking after our own well-being. So, stay hydrated, be aware of the balance in your life, set time limits, upgrade your environment, and give yourself permission to hit pause! Even doing just one of these things will help you take care of the most important person in your life - YOU!

What do you do to take care of yourself? What’s your go-to wellness trick? Comment below and let me know!