6 Social Media Tips (for people who hate social media)


I’ve had this conversation A LOT recently. Social media is ever-present and can be exhausting. But it is just the way our world works right now. Social media is a way to connect with friends and family (and ideal clients!). It is a way to show who you are and what you have to offer. Professionally, it is (basically) free advertising. Personally, it is a way to support friends and share stories, experiences, and challenges. If you find yourself feeling burned out by social media but aren’t in a position to take a break and do an Instagram cleanse, try the tips below that have helped me!

6 Social Media Tips (for people who hate social media)

1. Post as a person

Yes, having an aesthetically-pleasing and curated feed is important, but so is sharing who YOU are in addition to your business. So don't be afraid to share personal information. Don't hold back from posting something just because you don't think it's "perfect" or "ready". People are never perfect and we are hardly ever ready. People respond to people so don't be afraid to show your personality in your posts and especially in your stories!!

2. Schedule times or limits on your social media time

I personally didn't enjoy scheduling a specific time to be on Instagram but some people hugely benefit from making it a scheduled part of their routine. What helped me is setting a limit. I aim for 30 minutes a day, 3-4 times a week. It helps it not feel like a chore to log in.

3. Don’t just scroll

When I sit there and just scroll for the sake of scrolling, it exhausts me much faster than if I comment on posts and reply to stories. It’s one of the reasons stories get more activity: they are built for easy and quick engagement!

4. Actively engage

Comment on posts, rather than just liking them. Using a unique comment or questions that might get a response rather than silence or a like will make it feel like you aren't just yelling into space.  The 3-2-1 method helps in engaging with ideal clients. Comment on three non-consecutive (non-recent) posts, like two, and reply to one story. This gets you into the attention of your ideal client without sending a DM.

5. Find a friend and team up

Finding a buddy to encourage and support can help make you feel purposeful in your posting and sharing. And the best part is that you receive it in return! It may or may not have an impact on your following or engagements beyond the two of you, but it helps you not feel so alone in posting. I recently did a collab with another small business and I loved sharing their products! Not only did I just believe in their product and enjoy sharing about them, I felt understood knowing that someone else was looking to engage more and I felt more confident because she said such kind words about me and my business. It was totally reassuring.

6. Remember the benefits of social media

While it can be draining, it is also an opportunity to show you and your brand and how you can help people. And you have complete control over it. If your account is private, you can control who is seeing your content! And even if it isn’t private, you control what you post! Use it as a tool for connection and conversation. 

Also remember that, ultimately, we are all just trying our best. Friends who are sharing their experiences, accomplishments, and gifts with the world are just trying to share. Small businesses that are sharing their products, services, or knowledge, are trying to expand their audience and grow their businesses. Support each other. It’s okay if you need to step back and take a break. I certainly do that often. And remember that social media also isn’t always reality. Don’t use it to compare yourself and your journey to someone else. Use it as an inspiration and the tool it is! We can all make social media a little less taxing and a little more fun and joyful this way :)