Is it just me or did the last quarter of this year just FLY by? It’s December 31st and I don’t have any resolutions in mind… In other words, I’m the opposite of “ready” for this next year. If you’re like me, we’re in this together!
While I don’t have my resolutions decided yet, I do know ways that I can be successful once I actually chose what I’d like to work on and achieve…
3 Tips for a Successful New Year’s Resolution
1. Opt for a month-to-month resolution
This is one of my TOP tips for sticking to resolutions and achieving goals. Nothing happens overnight. Building habits and positive change takes time. An easy way to do this is to start small. Break down your resolution the same way you would break down a big goal into bite-size pieces. Start with one resolution in January and add a new one when February comes. Do this for each month and by the end of the year, you will have 12 “resolutions” going. If that’s too much, just change it up every month!
2. track it
Monthly Habit Tracker in Cherish by Design’s Customizable Bullet Journal
I have found tremendous success (and failure) after putting pen to paper and TRACKING my habits. This is a great way to see what areas you are doing well and what areas you might need to focus on more. You can track juuuust about anything in your life and it can be as easy as checking off that you’ve had enough water today.
3. Make your resolution a positive one
Depriving yourself of something is a great way to make everything feel negative. Sound confusing? Just try to find a positive spin on whatever your resolution might be. If you are trying to lose weight, consider reframing your resolution to be to eat healthier or to exercise more. If you are trying to declutter your life, reframe that by saying you are aiming to keep only things that add value to your life.
Twelve months is a long time to stick to a resolution or aim to achieve a goal. But that also means there’s so much opportunity in 365 days. Opportunities to succeed and challenge ourselves. Opportunities to fail and try again. I hope these three tips for keeping a New Year’s Resolution help you stick to it.
Need other ideas for how to stay on track with a goal?