4 Ways to Ensure a Highly Productive Workday

Productivity Efficiency Tips & Tricks

There are so many ways to get yourself in the zone to do your best work. I could give you a laundry list of different tips to increase your productivity but I don’t think that’s really necessary. Most people know what to do to get into a productive headspace but not all people actually do them or even consciously realize them. So I wanted to give you 4 super easy and quick things anyone can do daily to increase productivity.

Top 4 things to do at the end (or start) of your day to ensure a highly productive workday:

  • Clear off your desk. Remove any old paperwork, files, etc. A clear desk is a clear mind.

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  • Clear off your computer desktop. Delete/archive files you don’t need and organize the ones you do. A cluttered desktop is not only distracting, but it also can slow down your computer. (Same goes with too many internet tabs which is something I personally struggle to keep to a minimum.)

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  • Clear out some emails! Once you’ve read a newsletter, delete it or file it away. An overwhelmed inbox can lead to an overwhelmed you! (Check out my other blog post for more details on how to easily organize your inbox).

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  • Take out the trash and make sure everything is put away! I’m big on every item needing a “home” to live in when it’s not being used. Not everything has to be tucked away but it should have a designated spot.  If it doesn’t have a specific place to be, it floats around and can get in your way and distract you from what you should be doing.

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If you do these four things daily, it will take less than five minutes of your time and will allow you to get to work uninterrupted by distractions and piles of forms and receipts on your desk. Like I said before, a clear space means a clear mind! And a clear mind can get more work done. 😉

What are some of the things you do to be more productive? Let me know in the comments below!